
Tuesday night

I just got back from Lancaster, I am amazed at how the Amish do certain things. Today was a good example, I picked up a women and her teenage daughter, close to home, and cases of canning jars. We drove to Lancaster and picked up a married daughter, then went to the woman’s sister’s house. Where I was told they had a great set up to can applesauce. in half a day they had put up 200 (that’s right two hundred) quarts of applesauce. They still had to hot water bath them when they got home. But to peel, core, and cut enough apples for 200 quarts, and never mind cooking it getting it in the jars, and sealed.

The rest of the day was spent visiting and shopping, and going to a doctor’s for a checkup.

So I learned something new today.

The sister and her husband also have a reproduction store, wooden buckets, wooden butter churns, wooden cheese boxes of all sizes, wooden trash bins, plant stands, candle stands, shelves, corner cupboards. I’ll try and scan their brochure tomorrow and put it in tomorrows blog.

off to bed

Be safe and be well.


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