
Thursday PM 9/7

Well the IRS said they mailed my check on the 30 August. I thought that this day and age you could get a piece of US mail to almost any place in the world in 8 days. Not from the IRS though. They did say they had paid me $19.68 in interest That's for keeping it for almost 8 months. No I'm not bitter, right.

My foot is just pink right now and my stomach is back to normal. So I am doing something I should not do, eating everything in sight.

I bought a HumGUS bucks lottery ticket today ($5 ticket) There were 10 winners out of a possible 12 tries, each worth $10 for a cool $100. I have been cold in my bones as of late so I am going to take $50 and buy a heated mattress pad. I do not get much help from electric blankets, but I have been sleeping on a small heating pad for my shoulder, and it is really helping me. Not only my left shoulder but also my upper back and some on my right shoulder.

Betty i really up set as her case worker from the Office of Aging was here today and told her that she might lose her helpers as she will not turn off the oxygen while she smokes. I can not understand her as her favorite aunt burned her lungs very badly doing the same thing. But she says, she had a face mask on not just the nose tubes. We are also having trouble with the insurance that pays for her medicine and I can not even try and get it straightened out till tomorrow.

Well enough for now, I'll try and keep everyone posted a little better in the future, I have been a litle slack of late.

Be safe out there and be well.


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