
Friday 8/18

It is Friday about 7:50 AM and I have had breakfast and taken my medicine, my sugar was 151 not to bad but could be better. I am off to the Ford dealer to get the estimate for the repairs on the rear passenger side on the 98 Ford.

I am a little tired so I do not know if the upping the multi vitamins and one iron capsule a day is cutting it. I slept 9 hours last night and only got up to go to the bath room twice so I should not be tired. It is the heavy eye lid type of tired, and my legs are a little shaky.

I might have over done it yesterday as I felt so good and well. I had not felt that well in over two weeks.

I am going to try and finish painting the middle section on the right side of the bus/RV, this really makes it look newer and sharper.

Be safe out there and be well



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