
My life as I remember it # 4

I think in the last post I told you about getting the contract to feed the truck drivers for another company. We did this for a year and then all of a sudden I could not get my Visa renewed. As in most foreign countries to open a business you must have a local partner and as in most third world countries politics and all government agencies run on bribes. The Farolito had about $60,000 in antiques in it, Which I knew I could not remove from Argentina, it does not alow the export of antiques. and was making over $6,000 a month profit so they wanted it all. They said that they would send me a $1,000 a month for 60 months. I received one payment.

And had to sneak out the back door. As I did not find out till the last day of my Visa that it was not going to get it renewed, and the banks were closed and I wanted the last weeks recipts $3,200 I waited till morning and bribed my way into Paraguay and the took a licking on getting the US dollars converted to buy a ticket. In Argentina to buy an international ticket it had to be paid for in US dollars but Paraguay it was with the local currency. A $700 ticket cost me $1,200 at the offical exchange rate. So when I arrived in New Orleans I had $150 left of the $3,200. And when I arrived in State College PA I had $25 left.

I will try and write more tomorrow. Please excuse the spelling errors as I usually writ this in Microsoft word and cut and paste it into the blog after I spell and grammer check it and with all the problems with logging into this blog Iwas afraid to try and do this.

Be safe out there and be well


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